Professional skepticism, professional judgment and ethical
are required to carry out the audit with an attitude of professional skepticism, and they should exercise professional judgment when carry out the audit engagement and should comply with relevant ethical requirements.
SLAuS 200 states that auditors must plan and perform an audit with
an attitude of professional skepticism, Professional skepticism is
all about having a questioning mind and being alert to conditions which may
indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud, and a critical assessment
of audit evidence.
Professional skepticism requires the auditor to be alert to:
- Audit evidence that contradicts other audit evidence obtained.
- Evidence that brings into question the reliability of evidence to be used as audit evidence
- Conditions that may indicate possible fraud
- Circumstances that suggest the need for audit procedures in addition to those required by SLAuSs
Professional skepticism needs to be maintained throughout the
audit to reduce the risks of overlooking unusual transactions, over-generalizing
when drawing conclusions, and using inappropriate assumptions in determining nature, timing and extent of audit procedures and evaluating the results of
Professional skepticism is also necessary for the critical
assessment of audit evidence. This includes questioning contradictory audit
evidence and the reliability of documents and responses from management and
those charged with governance.
judgment is the application of relevant
training, knowledge, and experience in making decisions about the courses of
action that is appropriate in the circumstances of the audit engagement. SLAuS
200 also requires the auditor to exercise professional
judgment in planning and performing an audit
of financial statements.
Professional judgement is required in the following
- Deciding materiality and audit risk
- When deciding Nature, timing and extent of audit procedures
- Evaluation of whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained
- Evaluating management's judgments in applying the applicable financial reporting framework
- Drawing conclusions based on the audit evidence obtained
Ethical requirements
SLAuS 200 states that the auditor must comply with the
relevant ethical requirements, including those relating to independence that
are relevant to financial statement audit engagements.
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